Webb Simpson and his wife Dowd was so excited after watching the Ryder’s Cup that they re-enacted each moment of the championship.

On Sunday, both Simpson and Dowd were watching the match just like others.

After the end of match, they were so jazzed that they started enacting some great moments of the cup. Simpson played the character of Patrick Reed and Dowd was in the character of Rory Mcilroy.

The couple was pleased with performance of Patrick Reed and Rory Mcilroy. They had played really well and it is not just they impressed Simpson and Dowd with the game, but everybody on the ground was in same euphoria. Though, Simpson couldn’t make out for this event for year 2016 because of some reasons. But, he enjoyed each moment of the championship and just like others soaked themselves in match completely.

Ryder’s Cup is one of the most happening championships, thus we didn’t say. But, ask any player who has participated in tournament or have watched it, everybody will say the same thing, “There is no championship like Ryder’s Cup”. One can understand players feeling associated with the championship with the fact that two time participant of tournament Webb Simpson and his wife enacted each moment of Ryder’s Cup. This they did at the time of celebrating the event.

It is not like only this couple has celebrated this event with such zeal. On the contrary, every player participated in the event and viewers of the match have same euphoria. During entire event one can hear the excitement. There was shushing, screaming, bowing and everything else.

It is not like Webb Simpson and Dowd celebrated this event this way privately. It is really incredible to see another professional golfer so excited about performance on another player. This is what the famous Ryder Cup is.